Application of biocompatible coatings
Application of biocompatible Pateks and BioPateks coatings on the implants by PACVD method Uniqueness and distinctive characteristics:
- application of coatings, both in industrial and clinical conditions;
- the surface has hydrophilic and dielectric properties;
- coatings are applied simultaneously with the substrate sterilization;
- amorphous state and increased adhesive strength of the coatings;
- application of coatings on specified local areas.
General data about the technology
The process is based on chemical deposition of coatings from vapor phase in terms of plasma activation (PACVD) without any use of vacuum and specialized chambers. Coating are applied at local exposure of high-speed atomic and molecular plasma flow with the surface being treated and its simultaneous plasma activation and sterilization. For that purpose a compact plasma-chemical reactor, cyclically moving with regard to treated surfaces being treated, is used. The items may also move with regard to a stationary plasma-chemical reactor. The coating is formed as a result of chemical reactions taking place close to the surface, on the surface and in the near-surface layer of the implant substrate. In this case, the main activation effects of plasma exposure, related to thermal and gas-dynamic properties of the plasma flow, availability of a directed flux of ionized and excited particles, emission of infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation, formation of ozone, low-frequency and high-frequency plasma pulsation, are manifested. Minimum heating of the implants during application of coatings, not exceeding 150