
Microplasma spraying

Application of powder coatings at heating temperature of products of less than 100
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PАCVD by Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (PACVD-CAPP)

Vacuum-free and cell-free process of jet plasma-chemical coating deposition from the gas phase followed by plasma activation of the gas flow and the surface thereon the coating is deposited. The process is carried out at an integral part heating temperature of 50-150 C without any changes in its initial roughness.
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Plasma cleaning and activation

Removal of adsorbed gases, moisture, dust particles, organic and biological contaminants from the surface of parts, as well as imparting chemical activity to the surface through the action of atmospheric pressure plasma - high-energy ionized gas.
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Plasma sterilization

Destruction of bacteria, viruses, fungi, pathogenic microorganisms, spores, prions, toxins, organic contaminants on various surfaces (including living tissues and open wounds) under the influence of atmospheric plasma.
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