Functional Coatings

Purpose: protection of the base material against external influences, modification of the surface layer to improve its properties, creation of highly reliable, durable and competitive parts.


Electrophysical Application Technologies


Application of coatings with a thickness of more than 1 mm by melting the filler material and melting the surface of the base metal using the heat of a gas flame, electric, plasma arc or laser beam. Process characteristics: equal strength to the base metal, and local coating. Coating materials are based on iron, nickel, cobalt, copper and other alloys.


Application of coatings with thickness less than 1 mm using high-temperature jets containing powder particles or drops of molten material by gas-flame, electric arc, plasma (APS), high-speed (HVOF, HVAF) and detonation methods. Process characteristics: bonding strength at normal tear-off - 10-70 MPa, porosity - 0.5-15%, temperature of parts in the process of spraying - less than 150