Functional Coatings
Purpose: protection of the base material against external influences, modification of the surface layer to improve its properties, creation of highly reliable, durable and competitive parts.
- wear resistant against fatigue, cavitation, erosion and other wear;
- antifriction to reduce friction between the contacting surfaces;
- friction for high coefficient of friction and roughness;
- anti-adhesion promoting low adhesion with mating materials;
- adhesive used to improve adhesion between materials;
- corrosion-resistant in air, water, aggressive, active and other environments;
- inert protecting against the effects of chemically active substances;
- heat shielding to reduce heat transfer, and prevent overheating;
- heat resistant maintaining material properties at high temperatures;
- electrically conductive providing the required conductive properties;
- electrically insulating to obtain specified dielectric properties;
- hydrophobic and hydrophilic to change the wetting ability of the surface;
- biocompatible to reduce the risk of medical implant rejection;
- antibacterial glass-ceramic inhibiting the growth of microorganisms;
- special with magnetic, optical, shielding properties, etc.;
- for resizing worn and defective parts.
Electrophysical Application Technologies
Application of coatings with a thickness of more than 1 mm by melting the filler material and melting the surface of the base metal using the heat of a gas flame, electric, plasma arc or laser beam. Process characteristics: equal strength to the base metal, and local coating. Coating materials are based on iron, nickel, cobalt, copper and other alloys.
Application of coatings with thickness less than 1 mm using high-temperature jets containing powder particles or drops of molten material by gas-flame, electric arc, plasma (APS), high-speed (HVOF, HVAF) and detonation methods. Process characteristics: bonding strength at normal tear-off - 10-70 MPa, porosity - 0.5-15%, temperature of parts in the process of spraying - less than 150